Robert Boedigheimer

Camp Counselor

Make the Web Faster!

Event Logo

Thursday, August 1, 2024 - 7:30 PM UTC, for 1 hour.

Regular, 60 minute presentation

Room: African 80

Web Performance

This session demonstrates practical techniques that drop a web page's size from almost 3MB to 143K, and load time from 4 seconds to less than a second, while looking the same! Review tools that validate and describe performance best practices. Explore how to defer resource requests, load resources asynchronously, and prefetch critical resources. Many other performance improvements will be discussed, which can reduce response time while also boosting the scalability and reliability of your site. Learn the techniques that can have the largest impact on web performance with the least amount of work. Use, Fiddler, and Lighthouse to measure your web site and find the best opportunities for improvement!


Some experience with web development

Take Aways

  • Very practical techniques to use today to improve your web site's performance!
favorited by:
Craig Jeffords Daniel Braun Jacob Finley Benjamin Sibley John Montet Stacy Read Tristan Dalgety Chris Nowicki Bret Fynewever Justin Weyenberg Caleb Autry Natalie Wheeler Lily Frye Dustin Ewers Joel Keyser Drew Douglas Brett Allenstein Michael Duren Paul Ross Justin Allard Clay Hess Hannah Reuss Bob Ziroll Allan Wick Perry Govier Jacob Graf Sam Patterson Dave Smith Timothy Lynch Jr William Schaeffer Natalie Kay