Kirsten Hunter

Camp Counselor

Building a Netflix Clone with React, Cassandra and Netlify

Event Logo

Wednesday, July 26, 2023 - 6:00 PM UTC, for 1 hour.

Regular, 60 minute presentation

Room: African 50

Apache Cassandra

This activity will teach attendees how to create a full-stack Netflix clone using Cassandra as the backend, with React/Node for the front end and a deployment to Netlify to make it public. All of the resources used in the presentation are free to use, and a developer attendee will come away with a new full stack they can add to their tool belt. The repository is free and provides a README with instructions to do exactly what I demonstrate. Cassandra has a reputation for being difficult to set up and use, and I'm excited to share a solution using HTTP APIs to access your Cassandra database. The table of contents for this talk is: 1) Intro to Cassandra 2) Intro to Stargate 3) Setting up the database in Astra (free to use) 4) Overview of GraphQL 5) Setting up your development workspace (Astra CLI, Netlify CLI, Gitpod) 6) Using the GraphQL Playground 8) Hooking up the backend to the APIs 9) Reviewing the development application 10) Deploying to Netlify


Some application development experience is suggested. Familiarity with Javascript is a plus.

Take Aways

  • Cassandra and Stargate Basics
  • Ability to create a free full development stack with Cassandra, React, Node and Netlify
  • React understanding

Supporting Resources

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